Is it possible to breastfeed while carrying my baby in a sling? How many new mothers have asked themselves this question? Breastfeeding while babywearing is potentially possible, but it certainly...
What's the trend for summer 2022? Cartoon style
Fashion in Spring-Summer 2022 is rediscovered as fun and funny: cartoon characters are back in fashion. And we are madly in love with them! Since the beginning of 2022, many...
Kids and Tablets: Are You For or Against?
There are numerous studies that demonstrate that the excessive use of smartphones, tablets and video games creates addiction in very young children, as well as generating a series of dramatic...
Classic weaning or self-weaning?
Which approach should you choose: traditional weaning, based on baby food made specifically for the baby, or self-weaning, which involves offering the baby food from mom and dad? Up to...
And what does it matter if spring is slow to arrive and if this gray sky just doesn't want to go away, when we can have the sun inside us...
GO GREENER: Eco-sustainability that never goes out of fashion
The eco-sustainable that never goes out of style. Choose to wear ethics and respect, choose to wear the future of the planet. #gogreener #begreener Perhaps because of the terrifying data on environmental...
Hair becomes lighter, skin smells perpetually of salt, days seem endless and the shoreline becomes our second home. Tons of sunscreen, flip-flops, hats and beach towels. But what to wear...